Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cancer's not in the budget!

Sep 4, 2009 02:41 amRonnieKay wrote:
To All of My Dear September Sisters:
I DID IT!  Went in at 7:30 - was out at 4:30 today...finally, first treatment's over!  Everything about it was positive...I feel the sun was shining on me (even though it rained and I was 15 minutes late due to people in Seattle having trouble with the 1st rain of the season!). Had my blood test, chest xray, meeting with my radiation oncologist (just to check the brachytherapy sites), ekg, meeting with oncologist and her nurse and patient manager...then off to my room for drugs!  Had Herceptin first, over 90 min, because since it has a tendency to have SEs they send it slowly.  From now on, it should take about 30 minutes.  Then came taxotere, about 90 min, and the funny thing is that I felt tingling in my lumpectomy site.  The nurse said it's very common and takes it as a sign that it's working! Then the cytoxan...felt absolutely nothing.  I, as well, am on decadron (so I vacuumed until 1:48 a.m. Wed. night!--where has this been all my life), and before chemo started, had tylenol and zofran (iv) for nausea.  I drank H20 like a fish!!  It was a good thing..the nurse said my veins were very springy!  I didn't have a port, as my dr. didn't think necessary.  She isn't worried about any of the 3 drugs in my veins.  However, I was.  After taking to all the nurses, they convinced me and dr. said it was my choice.  I'm schedule for it next Friday before herceptin. Now, after having absolutely no problem with the veins, I'm rethinking.  So, thanks for reconfirming what I think is probably the best idea.  If I'm doing herceptin for the year...probably best to have it.  But I hate the thought of the scar on the chest. My husband says it will be a badge of courage...and you all know that's the truth.  The courageous women I've come to meet here...I thank God everyday for your heartfelt messages.  Funny, my husband asked about the payments today at the patient resource center. I guess all patients are assigned a financial counselor. We have great insurance but at the rate this thing is going...I knew it would be a big chunk of change. I think our yearly out of pocket is $4000....but I try not to get involved in family finances (other than spending!).  Tom's retired government (36 years) so it's a bit different than while he was working but our insurance stayed the same, thankfully!  Being a high school secretary (and mother of 3 college grads), I so commiserate with the costs of having younger children.  It's overwhelming!  And I laughed when you said this cancer thing wasn't in the budget!  However, my guess is that mom is the highest priority in this budget dilema :)   I'm feeling great, about ready to get back to bed. Got home at 5 p.m., (Tylenol, Aleve, Prilosec, Decadron) took a nap until 7:30, ate a big dinner. Now took Tylenol and Compazine.  I know tomorrow may hold new trials for me, and I have a friend who went through this in February who said potatoes were her best friend!  Excited to get the ginger ale....and visit the other sites listed.  Thank you all!  Vickilynn and Vicki, you were such an inspiration to me, writing on "The Day" really helped me enter this with less fear.  And all of you who are coming to the next adventure...know that these wonderful people are there to help save your life. I'm overcome with the pure tenderness and care the drs., nurses and all others have shown to us.  I had a room to myself, with a chair for hubby, access to a well stocked kitchen, the bathroom across the hall ( I went 4 times during chemo...they also gave me saline, which helped even more to hydrate and cause potty trips!).  Off to bed...Love to All of You!  (ps...I'm embarrassed that this is all about me, me, me...please know I'm thinking of you, you, you while going through all of this!).

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